The client relationship and delivering value with Mark Dunbavan

Episode 21 of the Commerce Minded podcast

Hosted by Stephen Callender

Jun 11, 2019

In this episode of Commerce Minded

Ecommerce isn’t always glamorous. It’s hard work, and at times it can be daunting. The client relationship is something that today’s guest takes seriously, and delivering value is one of his main priorities.

Mark Dunbavan is a detail-oriented developer passionate about his builds and taking care of his clients. He believes in a flexible team structure as long as it’s effective, he wears his heart on his sleeve, and he’s proud of the work he does.

Listen to hear about one of Mark’s clients, a furniture sourcer in the UK, and the kind of site he’s built for them using Craft Commerce. Mark also shares how having his first child has changed his approach to problem solving at work and overcoming the challenges of maintaining a unique and complex site.

Key takeaways

  • How having a child has affected Mark’s approach to work and problem-solving

  • As long as a team works together effectively, the other details don’t matter

  • Mark’s client Viaduct, a UK furniture sourcer, has an interesting business model and unique set of needs

  • Shipping, tax, and variants were the most complex problems to solve for this site

  • The importance of keeping sites updated, despite the difficulties