Foster Commerce at Dot All 2023 Barcelona

By Foster Commerce

Oct 31, 2023

We’re doing exciting things here at Foster Commerce, and we had a chance to crow about it at this year's Dot All 2023, the annual developer conference produced by Craft CMS.

Two Foster Commerce team members were speakers this year, Matt Riopelle our Director of Operations, and our CEO, Stephen Callender.

You can read brief descriptions of their talks and view their presentations below.

Foster Commerce speakers & topics

Beyond ​‘Buy vs. Build’: How Craft Commerce Agencies Win in an Ecommerce SaaS World

When it comes to winning new business, Craft agencies seem to be caught in an old paradigm of ‘buy vs. build.’

This dichotomy has created a situation where agencies lose potential clients, and clients risk losing millions in sunk technology costs.

Matt’s talk provides an answer to the question: What if agencies and businesses could step out of this false choice and do business a third way?

Viewers will learn about the benefits of an exciting new business model and its implications for everything from billing to company culture.

How I Saved My Agency From Myself

For his fifth talk at Dot All, Stephen is getting down and dirty, taking us behind the scenes into the harsh realities of running a web development agency.

Viewers will journey with him as he tells the precarious tale of nearly losing his agency — until he discovers a life-altering principle that he uses to this day to be successful.

Thankfully, Stephen has lived to tell the tale and his story's happy ending can enlighten us all on the path to success.